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Normas Portuguesas editadas

NP ISO/IEC 17060:2023, Avaliação da conformidade - Código das boas práticas (ISO/IEC 17060:2022)

Documentos Normativos Portugueses anulados

NP EN 16616:2015 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Chemical-thermal textile disinfection - Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2)

NP EN ISO 15701:2015 Leather - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to migration into polymeric material (ISO 15701:2015)

NP EN ISO/IEC 17000:2022, Avaliação da Conformidade - Vocabulário e princípios gerais (ISO/IEC 17000:2020) Substituído NP EN ISO/IEC 17000:2023

NP EN ISO 20342-1:2019 Assistive products for tissue integrity when lying down - Part 1: General Requirements (ISO 20342- 1:2019)

Normas Europeias adotadas

NP EN 1888-2:2018+A1:2022, Child care articles - Wheeled child conveyances - Part 2: Pushchairs for children above 15 kg up to 22 kg

NP EN 15330-4:2022, Surfaces for sports areas - Synthetic turf and needle-punched surfaces primarily designed for outdoor use - Part 4: Specification for shockpads used with synthetic turf, needle-punch and textile sports surfaces

NP EN 15618:2022, Rubber- or plastic-coated fabrics - Upholstery fabrics - Classification and methods of test

Documentos Normativos Europeus Publicados

EN ISO 14020:2023 Environmental statements and programmes for products - Principles and general requirements


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