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AATCC – Reviu alguns métodos e procedimentos

AATCC – Desde a publicação do seu Manual Técnico 2020 a AATCC reviu os seguintes métodos e procedimentos:

  • AATCC TM16.3-2020 Test Method for Colorfastness to Light: Xenon-Arc

  • AATCC TM26-2020 Test Method for Ageing of Sulfur-Dyed Textiles: Accelerated

  • AATCC TM94-2020 Test Method for Finishes in Textiles: Identification

  • AATCC TM97-2020 Test Method for Extractable Content of Textiles

  • AATCC TM112-2020 Test Method for Formaldehyde Release from Fabric, Determination of Sealed Jar Method

  • AATCC TM133-2020 Test Method for Colorfastness to Heat: Hot Pressing

  • AATCC TM169-2020 Test Method for Weather Resistance of Textiles: Xenon Lamp Exposure

  • AATCC TM183-2020 Test Method for Transmittance or Blocking of Erythemally Weighted Ultraviolet Radiation through Fabrics

  • AATCC TM195-2017(e3) Test Method for Extractable Content of Textiles

  • AATCC TM206-2020 Test Method for Free and Hydrolyzed Formaldehyde: Water Extraction

  • AATCC M12-2020 Style Guide for Test Methods and Procedures

Normalmente a AATCC publica no início de cada ano o seu Manual Técnico, fazendo a meio do ano uma publicação extra com atualizações, num suplemento que será englobado no Manual do ano seguinte.

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ANIVEC / APIV - Associação Nacional das Indústrias de Vestuário e Confecção

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